Learning about Andy Warhol

Photo taken by The Rilester

Hi guys! 
Lola also says hi.

Anyway Lola also has a joke for you:

Why did the kittens get in trouble during the spelling test ???

The answer is at the end.

Today when I looked at my school's Home Learning Zone my Mum and I saw that they had left a link to Tate Kids - Andy Warhol
We thought it would be fun to research about him and try to create our own Warhol Pop Art.  
Below are some facts I found out about him. 
He was born 6th August 1928 in Pittsburgh, United States and died on the 22nd February 1987 in a hospital in New York.
He was a famous artist and also a film director and producer. He was very well known for his Pop Art amongst other things. 
He was especially famous for his pop art print of Marilyn Monroe.

So what is Pop Art? Wikipedia has this to say: 

"Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the United Kingdom and the United States during the mid- to late-1950s. 
The movement presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture, 
such as advertising, comic books and mundane mass-produced cultural objects".

What does it look like? 
This is an example of one of Andy Warhol's pieces. 

Things I like about this style are that is it fun and colourful to look at. 

On the link to the Tate Kids page they set us the challenge to create our own Pop Art. 

First I had to take a photo of myself which was not easy. We decided a plain background would work best so my Mum held up some white fabric behind me. 

Next we found a YouTube Tutorial to help us create our masterpiece.
I then followed the instructions and created one all by myself (the orange coloured one is the one I did)
 My Mum then helped me to the below image where we just changed the colour. 

And that was that. I have a photo of my brother I am going to try and do this with next. 

Now for the answer to Lola's joke. 

Q: Why did the kittens get in trouble during the spelling test ???
A: Because they were copy cats. 

Hope you enjoyed my blog today. 
Stay Safe.
The Rilester and Lola Cat. 


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